Thursday 12 September 2013

7 Do's and Don'ts of Mobile App Marketing

With over 750,000+ apps now being hosted on Apple App Store and more than 700,00 in Google Play, the days of simply tossing your App out into the marketplace with the hope of gaining fame and fortune are in decline. Today, you need an effective app marketing strategy that attracts the buzz and app downloads necessary to make your app a success

I reckon some of us are looking at the field of mobile applications development in the future but only business that create fresh, useful, and original apps will succeed in it. Hence, for those who are interested on it, make sure you read these useful tips below in order to learn the marketing skills in promoting your app and become outstanding from others. 

Till then, byeeeee =)

(Marketing Profs)


  1. Great minds think alike! Mobile marketing is definitely a huge opportunity for those who can get in on it while it's still growing. Gotta love a good infographic. I'm excited to see the kind of apps that companies will start to come up with, and how things will change as we switch to connecting more with brands via our phones

    1. Yeah! for my point of view, companies will invest heavily in mobile marketing, as it is easier to reach mass amount of audiences

  2. Hello, I am not really familiar with mobile marketing, but this infographic summarize everything! Thanks

    1. G'mate, I hope you will learn something through this infographic! Cheers

  3. Hey great post! *THUMBS UP*

    Keep it up!

  4. Mobile applications is definitely an engaging tool marketers should be aware of! Just remembering how the dumb ways to die campaign took off, highlighted these 7 tips!

    1. haha! oh yeah thanks for reminding me. its really a cool tips for whoever who are interested in mobile advertising
